Slavery statement

Reesink UK Ltd has committed to a zero-tolerance approach to acts of modern day slavery and human trafficking from within our business and from within our supply chains. As the company operates across multiple jurisdictions within the UK, the Company acknowledges responsibility to the Modern Slavery Act 2015, The Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Criminal Justice and Support for Victims) Act (Northern Ireland) 2015 and The Human Trafficking and Exploitation Act (Scotland) 2015 and will ensure transparency within our organisation and with our suppliers of goods and services, to our best extent.

Structure and Supply Chains

We are part of the Royal Reesink group and our ultimate parent company is Royal Reesink BV. Royal Reesink BV has its head office in Apeldoorn, The Netherlands. The Royal Reesink group has over 1700 employees and operates in over 10 countries.
We are committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chains or in any part of our business. Our commitment is to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships.

  • We operate a number of internal HR polices to ensure that we are conducting business in an ethical in transparent way. These include:
    A clear Recruitment policy and onboarding process whereby eligibility to work in the UK are checked, as well as bank account verification processes.
  • A Whistleblowing policy so that employees are aware that they can safely raise concerns about how colleagues are being treated or practices within our business or supply chain. Any concerns raised are fully investigated in a confidential and discrete manner and if applicable the Company will report finding to the relevant authorities to protect employees from further exposure.
  • Annual appraisals as well as ad hoc informal appraisal throughout each year to maintain and monitor employee relationships with line managers.

Social Responsibility and Policies

Reesink UK and the wider Royal Reesink organisations will not work with any suppliers who have demonstrated a failure to comply with the basic requirements of employment law, respect of human rights and equal opportunities employment and worker protection. The Company operates a policy in which suppliers must pass our internal due diligence process prior to supply. This due diligence includes an online search to ensure that any supplier on the list has not been convicted of offences relating to modern slavery. Royal Reesink combines the pursuit of its economic objectives with consideration for social and environmental factors. We understand and accept that our actions must be in harmony with the interests of society. Above all, we place our products and services in the interests of the safety of people, environmental sustainability and the economic use of sources.

Due Diligence Processes and Risk Management

Reesink UK Ltd is committed to human rights, working standards, environmental protection, and has an anti-corruption stance. Neither the Royal Reesink group nor Reesink UK Ltd will work with any suppliers who demonstrate a disregard or failure to comply with basic human rights, working standards, environmental protection or ethical business standards.

Reesink UK Ltd has a well-defined immediate supply chain and route to its markets. No high risk sectors are currently evident, our immediate suppliers are not located in high risk, low regulation countries or countries where complex or poorly defined labour rights and regulations are evident. This is subject to review with any change of supplier.


In our most recent reporting period, financial year 1st January 2023 – 31st December 2023, no information (received), reports or complaints were received by the Royal Reesink Group, or Reesink UK Ltd, in relation to acts of modern day slavery and human trafficking, either internally or externally.

Training and Awareness

Senior business managers have had the threat of modern slavery and human trafficking brought to their attention in open business review meetings.

More specific training, to improve a detailed awareness of the threat of modern slavery and human exploitation for our Senior and Line managers is planned during 2024.


This statement constitutes Reesink UK Ltd’s slavery and human trafficking statement and is made pursuant to section 54 (1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. The Company Directors and Senior Management of Reesink UK Ltd take the responsibility for implementing this policy statement and its objectives and shall provide adequate resources and investment to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place within the organisation or within its supply chains.

This policy statement was last reviewed in April 2024 and reflects actions taken and policy updates during the 2023 financial year.


Alastair Rowell

Managing Director
September 2024

Further information here