Toro lease deal is cost-effective solution to replacing fleet
The multi-sport complex located in Rotherham houses golf courses, football pitches, bowling greens and more and when the time came to replace its existing fleet to be used across all its playing surfaces, a lease package was the most cost-effective solution.
Mark Smith, head greenkeeper, who manages a team of six, says: “Leasing is something that is new to us as a club. Until now we’ve bought outright, when we’ve needed things. This was the first time we’ve decided to just clear the cutting fleet and start again, which we’ve been able to do with the lease package. Working with Reesink ensured everything went smoothly.”
The club’s new Toro fleet consists of a Toro Reelmaster 3100, Toro Reelmaster 5010-H, Toro Greensmaster 3250, Toro Groundsmaster 4300, Toro Groundsmaster 1200 towed and a Toro ProCore 648 aerator.
Entering into a lease package was a cost-effective solution for the club, says Mark: “Normally we wouldn’t be able to replace all of the machines in one go, so you end up having equipment that is 10 years old and when you start having problems with it you have to argue your case for a new machine. With a lease package, that’s not really the case. When the lease is up, it’s accepted you replace it.”
Lease packages give clubs all the benefits of ownership without the initial capital outlay. Payments made up of capital and interest can be made quarterly, half-yearly or annually and are fixed for the full period of the agreement. Reesink makes it possible for clubs to design a tailored repayment pattern that matches its business income and expenditure cycles.

The Toro Reelmaster 5010H in action on the club’s golf course.
Even though this is the first time the club has gone down the route of leasing, it’s certainly not its first time using Toro. Having been at the club for over 23 years, Mark is plenty familiar with these machines.
He says: “When it came time to choose a new fleet, it was between the two big brands. The price point of the lease deal was a huge reason behind why we chose Toro, but so was the fact that we’re so familiar with the brand and everyone on the team knows how to use them so not as much training was needed, we could get them straight on the turf.
“Plus, we know the quality of the machines and that if anything does go wrong, we have the backup of Reesink,” Mark concludes. “Everyone is really happy.”
The deal was brought about through Tony Dodson from Cheshire Turf Machinery who is also a member of Phoenix Sports and Leisure Club. He says: “It’s great seeing Toro out on the course, and knowing the quality of the machines it’s a pleasure ensuring my club is in good hands.”