December deal on filters
Dealer offers on genuine Toro filters
Reesink’s dealer network is running offers on genuine Toro filters for the month of December to aid winter servicing.
Making sure customers aren’t left short when it’s time for all-important winter servicing, Reesink dealers have offers running for the month of December on that vital element of the process: filters.

Genuine Toro filters air and oil filters customers can ensure consistent performance over the tough months and make sure the machines are ready to go come spring.
Filters in their different forms play a crucial part in the smooth and successful running of Toro machines, protecting the engine and other important systems from contaminants. It stands to reason then that using genuine filters that are designed to meet the specific applications of the machine isn’t a want, it’s a need.
With genuine Toro filters air and oil filters customers can ensure consistent performance over the tough months and make sure the machines are ready to go come spring. It’s also the chance to save a little on this essential task. Customers should contact their local dealers now and stock up while the opportunity lasts.